Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule

The following fees may be assessed against your account and the following limitations, if any, may apply to your account.

Fee Description Amount or Percent Important Notes
Account Research $20 Per hour with 1 hour minimum
Account Activity Printout $1
ATM Fee, Foreign Terminal Withdraw $1.50 Some terminals may charge additional fees
ATM Fee, Non-Customers $3.25
Cashier's Checks - Celebrity Accounts $1.50
Cashier's Check, Customers $2
Change Orders, Non-Customers 1% of Order Minimum of $5
Checkbook Balancing Assitance $10 Per hour with 1 hour minimum
Check Cashing, Non-Customers $2 or 3% Whichever is greater - Bank's discretion
Check Printing Depends on check style
Check Reject Fee $5
Coin Rolling, Non-Customers 10% Not available at all branch locations
Copies, Customer $.25 Per page
Copies, Non-Customer $.50 Per page
Credit Card Cash Advance (VISA) 3% Service fee
Deposited Items Returned Unpaid $4
Direct Collection Items $25 *Subsequent Presentment
Fax, Incoming or Outgoing $5 Includes All Pages
International Interchange Fee for MasterCard® 1%
No Activity Fee for Savings Deposit Accounts $3 No Activity for 12 Months and Balance Under $25. Fee Charged Monthly
No Activity Fee for Checking Deposit Accounts $5 No Activity for 12 Months and Balance Under $100. Fee Charged Monthly
Nonsufficient Funds (NSF) Items, Per Item (Created by Check, In-Person Withdrawal, ATM Withdrawal or other Electronic means) $30 Maximum of 5 ($150) Per Business Day
Notary Fee, Customers $1
Notary Fee, Non- Customers $2
Overdraft, Per Item (Created by Check, In-Person Withdrawal, ATM Withdrawal or other Electronic means) $30 Maximum of 5 ($150) Per Business Day
Positive Pay (Business Account Customers) $10 Per account per month
Premature Closing Account Fee $15 If account is closed within 90 days of opening
Reconstruction of Bank Statements $20 Per hour with 1 hour minimum - $.20 per copy
Reconstruction of Bank Statements Copies $.20 Per page
Replace Debit Card $5 Lost or Stolen, Not Wear-Damaged
Customized Debit Card $10 Personal Image Provided by Customer
Paper Statement Fee $5
Stop Payment $30 All items
Telephone Transfers $2
Transfers (External) – Standard 3 Day Transfer $2.99
Transfers (External) – Next Day Transfer $5.99
Wire Transfers – Incoming $10 Domestic
Wire Transfers – Outgoing $15 Domestic
Wire Transfers $50 International (If Processed with MIB)

*First Presentment: $25.00 which will be deducted from any amounts collected and the balance will be remitted to the presenter.

*Subsequent Presentment: A cashier’s check for $25.00 must accompany all presentments for direct collection after the first presentment. The fee is non-refundable even if the items sent for collection is not paid.

We reserve the right to, at any time, require not less than a 7 day notice in writing before each withdrawal from an interest-bearing account other than a time deposit or from any savings account as defined by Regulation D.

Rev. 04/2023

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